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Saturday, 27 October 2012

Queenborough to Kingsferry Bridge 5th June 2010

I set off from the Queenborough hard at about 7.00 pm. I passed two sailors on their moorings and we chatted about my boat as I drifted up the Swale lazily on the tide.

The all tide hard in the background. Queenborough is a useful stop off place at the east mouth of the Swale, close to the Medway entrance. Originally Queenborough was a fortress guarding the Swale, under Edward III during the hundred years year war against the French. It was renamed after his wife Phillipa of Hainault. Now it is a mixture of a provincial town, an industrial base and somewhat run down but characterful place of historical interest.

At the long reach the wind headed and I started rowing keeping going all the way up to Kingsferry bridges. I was passed by some motor boats, all respectfully slowing down to reduce wash. When I got to the lifting bridge I was wary about going straight under and turned to row backwards, so I could see directly ahead checking the mast, although there was plenty of clearance.

Sailing dinghies capsizing to get under the Kingsferry bridge rather than wait for it to be opened - on another occasion

After passing a wharf I rested a while and then turned back. As I rowed back there was a great view of the bridges as they receded in the distance and behind me the setting sun. It was getting dark as I arrived at Queenborough just after 9.00 pm. I had timed the tides fairly well, the flood tide taking me up beyond the Kingsferry bridge and then slack water for the start of the return and an ebb tide to complete the journey.